


大多数 向我寻求 建议的学生 都会 因为一些原因而放弃他们的 毕业论文他们中的 一些患有 “空白页综合症”,而且 不知道如何开始。


当您不确定该如何改进写作和润色作品时,很容易感到不知所措。 或者更糟的是:你对自己独自应对所有挑战的能力感到不安全和焦虑…

您是否缺少来自大学的重要基本支持? 我们的校园为您提供所需的一切资源,让您在论文之旅中倍感安心

众所周知,互联网可能是 “世界上最大的图书馆”,可以获取各种信息。 这很有诱惑力,因为你所需要的一切似乎只在一个指尖之间。 然而,网上有那么多不可信的信息来源,你往往不得不投入过多的宝贵时间(例如,如果你想在网上获得更多的信息,你就必须在网上找到更多的信息)。记住时间总是过得飞快)来验证信息来源或内容是否可靠,从而实现自己的最终目标。

如今,一个普遍的现实是:并不是所有的大学都能提供量身定制的、全面的教育、 全面的 的支持 写作 论文。
根据我在几所大学为 20 名学生或更多学生上课的经验,我可以确认,一个人不可能完成一篇论文。



它将手把手地帮助您完成从开始到提交的整个论文撰写过程,甚至为您的论文答辩做好最充分的准备。 您想试试吗?

Friederike Jurth 博士,您能帮我什么忙?

也许 您已经通过不同的媒体渠道听说过我。
我叫弗里德里克-尤尔特(Friederike Jurth)博士,自 2010 年以来,我与美国、德国、西班牙和巴西的大学合作,开设了有关方法论、实证研究、人类学和跨文化(音乐)研究的讲座。
2010 年,我开始在里约热内卢进行长达 7 年的田野调查,并在日本、美国、澳大利亚、巴西、泰国、瑞士等世界各地的会议上介绍我的研究成果。此外,我还在 德国著名的联合国教科文组织教席 担任讲师和研究员

德语外,我还能说流利的英语、葡萄牙语和西班牙语 (目前正在用所有这些语言授课)。

学者们试图自己获取信息并改进自己的作品–即使他们决定采取 “不那么正统 “或合法的方式。



回到联合国教科文组织教席后,我于 2020年通过了博士答辩 ,并以最优异的成绩毕业 ,开始以研究员、副教授和考官的身份与世界上一些最著名的大学合作。我可以保证为您提供所需的帮助, 帮助您克服 前进道路上的所有挑战和困难 ,并指导您成功提交论文和进行口头答辩。


既然您已经知道了MyThesis Academy的Campus能提供什么,那就应该清楚,它并不是一个简单的论文写作课程,而是一个全面的概念。




与其他课程不同的是, 我以清晰、简明和透明的方式 传达 你需要了解的一切,并为你提供一个完整而全面的框架。 每一个模块、每一堂课、每一个主题都经过精心设计 ,确保 报名参加 Campus 将是你做出的最正确的决定。


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🟡 In proccess

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Guided tour around the Campus

1.1 What´s a  thesis?       

1.2 Skills & abilities for a lifetime: Good reasons to write a thesis                       

1.3 Preparing for your thesis: Essential tasks before the start

2.1 How to approach a thesis topic & develop your working title

2.2 It´s you! Why? Find out about your particular strengths

2.3 How to create a strong & outstanding thesis statement

3.1 Go for it: Master your thesis proposal

4.1 How to draft your time & working schedule

5.1 Searching for Literature: Where & How

5.2 All about your Literature Review

5.3 Whatever it takes: Assemble your toolkit (Theory Frame)

5.4 The heel of Achilles, or: Avoiding plagiarism 

6.1 Your Research Design: The repertory of quantitative & qualitative methods

7.1 Our interest is the real life: How fieldwork started in history

7.2 Welcome to reality: How to conduct a fieldwork

7.3 Researcher´s golden rules: Transparency, ethical approach, and approval

8.1 Arriving at home with terabytes of material: Strategies to structure your data sets

8.2 Edit with Caution: Strategies of how to handle and redact rough material

9.1 Meet language norms and expectations on your academic style

10.1 Arriving to the core: Your empirical chapters

10.2 Tables, figures and Illustrations: The best (and innovative) ways to visualize your results 

11.1 Close the circle: Interpreting, relating and reflecting  

11.2 From data to abstract models: Come up with innovative ideas to present your results

12.1 The last impression of your thesis: Your conclusion

12.2 Inspiring future research projects: Your prospects

13.1. The synopsis of your thesis is like a business card: Your dissertation abstract

13.2. Your introduction: How to present essential issues in your thesis opening

13.3 Saying “Thank you!” with your thesis acknowledgement

13.4 Should or shouldn´t I do it? (Dis-)advantages of a thesis dedication

14.1 Correctness & transparency until the final page: Your bibliography 

14.2 Creating your appendix

15.1 Writing is finished,  correction is coming: Time to polish your diamond

16.1 Structure & unity is key: All about the formal Layout

16.2 How to design your thesis front page & create the table of contents

17.1 Venture the official step: Your thesis submission

17.2 The second goal: How to prepare for your thesis defense

18.1 Make your point: Secrets of an outstanding presentation

19.1 How to survive times of multiple stress without going mad

19.2 Dealing with a writer´s block & lacks of motivation

19.3 Staying long-term motivated: Tips and secrets

20.1 Everything´s finished: And now?

Your prime plus: Sign up for this offer and get all of these bonuses for free....

2 Individual tailored one-on-one coaching sessions included, valued with 260$

Within one year you can request and select the dates for two classes of one-on-one coaching by contacting our support (once your payment for the Campus is realized).

We recommend requiring one before accessing the Campus for the first time and the second after completing all modules.

Monthly plan

Essentials Edition
129 Monthly
  • Access to more than 50 hours of videos and upgrades
  • Networking chat between alumns and experts
  • Exclusive streamings on FAQs
  • Private Facebook Group

3-Months plan

Thesis Hero
299 3 Months
  • Access to more than 50 hours of videos and upgrades
  • Networking chat between alumns and experts
  • Exclusive streamings on FAQs
  • Private Facebook Group

One Year plan

Elite Scholar
995 12 Months
  • Access to more than 50 hours of videos and upgrades
  • Networking chat between alumns and experts
  • Exclusive streamings on FAQs
  • Private Facebook Group
  • 1 One-on-One Thesis Consulting with an expert

Praise for results: This is what students say about the Campus MyThesis Academy

Are you curious about the experiences of our students? Here is a little collection of feedback, where some of our students share the results they achieved thanks to using the MyThesis Campus.


Master Thesis


Ph.D. Thesis


Master Thesis


Ph.D. Thesis

Li Yunke

Ph.D. Thesis


Ph.D. Thesis

Faculty members

Prof. Richard Kurth

Living in Melbourne

Studied at Harvard University

Prof. Chris Schaub

Living in Bangkok

Studied at Florida State University

Prof. Junta Arakawa

Living in Bangkok

Studied at Wichita State University

Prof. Narong Yaay

Living in Bangkok

Studied at Illinois State University

Prof. Mahakit

Living in Bangkok

Studied in Louisiana University

Prof. Xiang

Living in Singapur

Studied at National University of Singapur

Monthly plan

Essentials Edition
129 Monthly
  • Access to more than 50 hours of videos and upgrades
  • Networking chat between alumns and experts
  • Exclusive streamings on FAQs
  • Private Facebook Group

3-Months plan

Thesis Hero
299 3 Months
  • Access to more than 50 hours of videos and upgrades
  • Networking chat between alumns and experts
  • Exclusive streamings on FAQs
  • Private Facebook Group

One Year plan

Elite Scholar
995 12 Months
  • Access to more than 50 hours of videos and upgrades
  • Networking chat between alumns and experts
  • Exclusive streamings on FAQs
  • Private Facebook Group
  • 1 One-on-One Thesis Consulting with an expert

Any further questions?
Time to clear your doubts

Transparency is of capital importance to us! To help you to clear any doubt we added the most frequently asked questions here to make sure that signing up for the Campus is the best decision you ever made.

Yes. When you sign up for the Campus we provide a money-back guarantee for the first 15 days (from the registration day). For more information, consult our terms & conditions. 

Sure. In addition to the comprehensive thesis-writing course you have access to special offers for tailored support, participate in our affiliation program, and join the community of MyThesis Academy in expert forums, discussion groups and live-streams.  

This will become available as our campus community continues to grow

To become an affiliate, you first register to receive a personalized link that you can share with your fellows and friends. For every student who joins the Campus and becomes part of our MyThesis-community.

The main course consists of a total of 20 extensive modules, which are divided into separate lectures concerning the main related topics. 

The 20 modules are divided into different parts (1-4), each with a duration of approximately 1.5/2h (per lecture). As some topics are more extensive and complex to be discussed in-depth than others, the duration of a complete module varies between 1.5/2 and 9 hours.

Yes. In addition to the 20 modules (consisting of video lectures in HD quality) you will complete a several practical exercises that help you to get ahead with your thesis project. Every module contains a variety of additional templates and course materials are download able & printable.

Monthly plan

Essentials Edition
129 Monthly
  • Access to more than 50 hours of videos and upgrades
  • Networking chat between alumns and experts
  • Exclusive streamings on FAQs
  • Private Facebook Group

3-Months plan

Thesis Hero
299 3 Months
  • Access to more than 50 hours of videos and upgrades
  • Networking chat between alumns and experts
  • Exclusive streamings on FAQs
  • Private Facebook Group

One Year plan

Elite Scholar
995 12 Months
  • Access to more than 50 hours of videos and upgrades
  • Networking chat between alumns and experts
  • Exclusive streamings on FAQs
  • Private Facebook Group
  • 1 One-on-One Thesis Consulting with an expert